Hebrews 10:29
I have titled this article, “What do you count the blood?” The reason is so we can get to the real heart of the issue of the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.
In the brief follow-up on the question, “Was Jesus’ Blood Divine?” in the 2002 Fall Issue of The Gist, Dale Burden (the Editor) said I did a commendable job of establishing the fact that the blood shed was indeed “the blood (of the) divine.” You will notice that Dale Burden added the words ‘of the’, to the phrase that is found in my research. The phrase is Blood Divine, not ‘of the’ divine. Dale Burden implied in his article that I was “ignoring” Hebrews 2:14. Which is not the case. I was merely dealing with several statements that he had made that didn’t agree with my research. I wasn’t dealing with that text yet, but I will and many others also.
Mr. Burden commented that a pastor who had read my first article entitled, ‘In Defense of the Divine’, (available upon request) contacted Mr. Burden and made the observation that the article really proved Mr. Burden’s point.
This statement does not reflect the overall comments I have received.
The next point he made was, “a pastor who had read my first article (It is called, ‘In Defense of the Divine’, contact us for a copy of the article if you have never read it) contacted Mr. Burden and made the observation that the article really proved Mr. Burden ’s point.”
Well I have received a few comments from Pastors that said,
“I appreciate your sending me the information on the blood. There was never a doubt in my mind concerning the divine nature of the blood. I would appreciate the “complete refutation” when it is complete. Thank you for what you are doing. God bless.” Georgia
“I support your position and appreciate your work and will continue to read your articles.” L. R. S.
“I thank God for you and others for tackling this issue.” Missouri
“I appreciate all the work and research you and your staff have done on this subject.” North Carolina
And one said strangely enough, “I must have missed something in Bro. Burden’s article regarding the blood of Jesus. I suppose my years of college and years of reading papers must have dulled my sense of perception. I was SURE that Bro Burden said that the blood of Jesus was DEVINE [his spelling] and the whole point of his article was just that pointed.” Missouri
Please note that nearly all of the quotations used in this article are directly from Ages Software CD’s, therefore all of the page numbers will differ from the actual reference book. Each book, volume number, and various titles that are mentioned will be accurate. Also the bibliography is listed with each quote which eliminates the hassle of chasing footnotes at the end of long articles. |
Also one former denominational leader and his wife told me that I really did a good job and thanked me tremendously and one of our best Pastors as far as convictions and standards and a church builder who holds two earned doctorates and one honorary read it before I sent it out told me that he agreed with the position and for me to go ahead and send it and so did several others.
And as far as the guys from Ohio sending that resolution to the National, I appreciate them tremendously and look forward to hearing from them to be able to get this and other information out there to let people know what this issue is really all about.
Some other comments were made like calling this issue a “foolish question”, and a “petty squabble”.
I believe that the Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ is not a “foolish question” or a “petty squabble” and thoughts and comments like these violates Hebrews 10:29, and we can see what they “count the blood.” And we will see that this is what the whole issue is about, “What do you count the blood?”
And so this brings us to try once again, to restate this and I’m going try to be a little clearer so as not to be misunderstood again.
- Blood of God
The first point I want to make is Mr. Burden said, “I am aware that two Early Church Fathers namely Ignatius and Tertullian , used the expression “blood of God.” They were the exception and Bible believing theologians have historically taken issue with this language.”
Well, let’s see if that is true. The first quote I would like for us to take a look at is found in The Fundamentals –A Testimony to The Truth, Volume 4, Edited by Dr R. A. Torrey, A. C. Dixon and others -BY PROFESSOR WILLIAM G.MOOREHEAD, D. D., United Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Xenia, Ohio. For quick access see The Ages Digital Library CD, Reference, P. 97. Chapter 9, Millennial Dawn : A Counterfeit Of Christianity
“The Apostle Paul does not shrink from ascribing even divinity to the blood of Christ : “Feed the flock of God which He hath purchased with His own blood” (Acts 20:28).”
You will notice that Mr. Burden ignored this quote ENTIRELY, and he has to because it speaks to the very point of divine blood in Acts 20:28. Now you will notice that this theologian said clearly that this quote from Paul is “ascribing even divinity to the blood”, and note, if you will, what he is writing against. It is the forerunners to the Jehovah’s Witness movement of today, an Arian heresy, and this is exactly what we have here in Mr. Burden ’s view. The other view along this line is also that of Socianism. Even though Mr. Burden will admit to the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ his view comes too close to these people as we will see as we look further in this article and articles to come.
The next thing before leaving this quote is that Chapter 9 in the above article was compiled by Dr. R. A. Torrey , A. C. Dixon and others, apparently they didn’t “take exception [Burden’s words] to this kind of Language.” And to prove that take a look at Torrey ’s Topical Text Book under the topic of the Lord Jesus Christ, which states, “His blood is called the blood of God.”
Acts 20:28 and this “language was not taken exception to” by Orville J. Nave,
by Orville J. Nave, A.M., D.D. ,LL.D . For quick access use The Ages Digital Library CD, p. 989
-His blood is called the blood of God. Acts 20:28
The next quote I would like to look at is a quote by John Owen . Mr. Burden quoted him in the Summer Issue 2002 of The Gist, on page 6, where he uses a quote that Owen made about the Lord’s human nature which was a generalized statement. I know of no one that will deny that the Lord had a human nature generally, but let’s take a look at what John Owen and others had to say further about the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.
In the Works of John Owen [Vol. 12, Ch. 10, No. 3, p.330], in dealing with Acts 20:28, under the question, “What dost thou answer to this?” The answer is, and I quote, “I answer, the name of “God” is not…in this place referred to Christ , but… referred to God the Father, whose blood the apostles call that which Christ shed,… For the great conjunction that is between Father and Son, although in essence they are altogether diverse, is the reason why the blood of Christ is called the blood of God the Father himself.”
The next quote that Mr. Burden “ignored” was the quotes by John Flavel .
“The Blood of Christ is called the blood of God the Father Himself” -John Owen |
By John Flavel -Puritan Theologian
His blood only is innocent and precious blood, 1 Peter 1:19; blood of infinite worth and value; blood of God, Acts 20:28;blood prepared for this very purpose.
By John Flavel
The pardon of believers is THE PURCHASE OF THE BLOOD OF CHRIST. Nothing but the blood of Christ is equivalent to the remission of sin, for this blood was innocent, the blood of a Lamb without spot, l Peter l:19; this blood was precious blood, of infinite worth and value, the blood of God. Acts 20:28. It was prepared for this very purpose, Hebrews l0:5; prepared by God’s eternal appointment; by Christ ’s miraculous production through the operation of the Spirit; by his voluntary sanctification of himself to this very use and purpose.
By John Flavel
The two natures being thus united in the person of the Mediator, by virtue whereof the properties of each nature are attributed, and do truly agree in the whole person; so that it is proper to say, the Lord of glory was crucified, 1 Corinthians 2:8, and theblood of God redeemed the Church, Acts 20:28,that Christ was both in heaven, and in the earth at the same time, John 3:13.
[p. 72], Indeed the flesh of Christ will ever have a distinct glory from ours in heaven, by reason of this union; for being the body which the Word assumed, it is two ways advanced singularly above the flesh and blood of all other men, viz. subjectively, and objectively: Subjectively, it is the flesh and blood of God, Acts 20:28, and so has a distinct andincommunicable glory of its own.
The blood of this sacrifice speaks better things than the blood of Abel . The blood of this sacrifice is the blood of God, Acts 20:28. Invaluably precious blood, 1 Peter 1:18.One drop of it infinitely excels the blood of all mere creatures, Hebrews 10:4, 5, 6. Such is the blood that must do thee good. Lord, I must have such blood (saith conscience) as is capable of giving thee full satisfaction, or it can give me no peace. The blood of all the cattle upon a thousand hills cannot do this. What is the blood of beasts to God? the blood of all the men in the world can do nothing in this case. What is our polluted blood worth? No, no, it is the blood of God, that must satisfy both thee and me. Yea, Christ ’s blood is not only the blood of God, but it is blood shed in thy stead, and in thy place and room, Galatians 3:13. “He was made a curse for us.” And, so it becomes sin-pardoning blood, Hebrews 9:22. Ephesians 1:7. Colossians 1:14. Romans 3:26.And consequently, conscience-pacifying, and soul quieting blood, Colossians 1:20.
This Puritan Theologian apparently didn’t take exception to the language of “the Blood of God” since he used it 12 times, but not only did he use it 12 times, he went into depth to explain why he used it. First of all, it’s in the direct context of Acts 20:28 and he uses words that can only be used in speaking of divinity, see note in Chapter 10, pg 192…. “His blood only is innocent and precious”, then the word infinite which can only be used when talking about divinity and he uses the word infinite in Chapter 10, 16, and in Sermon 11, and in Sermon 5 he draws a clear cut distinction from His Blood and ours by saying it is ‘advanced above all other men’. (Why?) Because it is the Blood of God.
Also he places this blood and body of the Lord Jesus Christ in Heaven (in which I have a section on that point also but let’s stay on this point for now).
I now want to focus on the phrase “blood prepared for this very purpose” in chapter 10, pg. 192 and chapter 16. pg. 258, “prepared by God’s eternal appointment” and Sermon 11, pg. 138, all quoting Heb. 10:4, 5, and 6. And as far as Heb. 2:14, this is a general statement about our Lord’s humanity, but the rest of the book of Hebrews explains “what to count this blood as”.
And now I would like to introduce Pastor D. A. Waite, Th. D., Ph. D., Founder, Director, and President of The Bible For Today and a former President of the Dean Burgon Society and his comments on this “prepared body” that is found in his book, “JOHN MACARTHUR’S HERESY ON THE BLOOD OF CHRIST”.
You can obtain a copy of this book online at http://www.biblefortoday.org/BFT_Catalog/category_A1.htm , E-mail: BFT@BibleForToday.org , Phone: 1-800-JOHN 10:9.The Bible For Today, 900 Park Avenue – Collingswood, NJ 08108. Item #AC1638 $4.00 ‘John MacArthur’s Heresy On The Blood Of Christ’, Waite, Dr. D. A.
By Dr. D. A. Waite, From BFT NEWSREPORT (7/86–11/92) pg. 28-32.
- Christ ‘s BLOOD Is Divine, NOT HUMAN, Because It Was “PREPARED BY GOD” (Hebrews 10:5). Hebrews 10:5 offers a very clear contribution to this subject of the Blood of Christ. In this verse, we can see that Christ ‘s Blood is Divine, NOT HUMAN, because it was “PREPARED BY GOD” the Father. Please examine this verse once again:
“(4) For it is not possible that the BLOOD OF BULLS AND OF GOATS should take away sins. (5) Wherefore, when He [that is, the Lord Jesus Christ ] cometh into, the
world [at His incarnation], He saith, Sacrifice and offering Thou [that is, God the Father] wouldest not, but A BODY HAST THOU PREPARED ME.” (Hebrews 10:4-5)
Before going into these verses in more detailed exegesis, let’s look at some other verses that form the background for our discussion.
(1) Other Verses That Bear on This Subject.
(a) Matthew 1:20. This verse should be taken in conjunction with Hebrews 10:4-5 since it is the historical setting for it:
“But while he [that is, Joseph] thought on these things, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife, for THAT WHICH IS CONCEIVED in HER is OF THE HOLY GHOST.” ( Matthew 1:20)
(b) Luke 1:35. Another verse giving the historical setting for the Virgin Birth of our Savior is Luke 1:35:
“And the angel answered and said unto her [that is, Mary ]. The HOLY GHOST SHALL COME UPON THEE, and the POWER OF THE HIGHEST SHALL OVERSHADOW THEE: therefore also THAT HOLY THING which shall be born of thee SHALL BE CALLED THE SON OF GOD.”
(2) The MEANING of Luke 1:35. The Lord is telling us in Luke 1:35 that the Lord Jesus Christ ‘s birth is different than every single other birth in all of human history. He was to be called “THE SON OF GOD” for two reasons: (1) First, because the ‘HOLY GHOST WOULD COME UPON HER” and (2) second, because ‘THE POWER OF THE HIGHEST WOULD OVERSHADOW HER.” Our Savior was also called: ‘THAT HOLY THING” [hagion]. As an entire PERSON, the Lord Jesus Christ was HOLY. This “HOLINESS” had as its Source, God Himself-both God the Holy Spirit (“the Holy Ghost shall come upon thee”) and God the Father (“the Power of the Highest shall overshadow thee”). Though the Lord Jesus had a PERFECT HUMANITY as well as PERFECT DEITY subsisting in but ONE PERSON, the SOURCE of His PERFECT HUMANITY was God the Holy Spirit and God the Father, according to this verse. In His PERFECT HUMANITY was included a PERFECT BODY as well as PERFECT BLOOD. There were no defects in either because they originated in the PERFECTION OF DEITY ITSELF. They were ‘Divine” in the sense that they were SUPPLIED BY GOD, yet they were carried in the womb of a Virgin mother who had a fallen, Adamic, sin nature. To escape that fallen, Adamic, sin nature, GOD Almighty intervened in this miraculous birth to insure that the Lord Jesus Christ had a PERFECT HUMANITY, including a PERFECT BODY and PERFECT BLOOD by Which He could atone for the sins of the entire world!
Now that we have looked at both Matthew 1:20 and Luke 1:35, let’s go into a more detailed exegesis of Hebrews 10:4-5.
(3) The Meaning of Hebrews 10:4-5.
(a) The Context of Hebrews 10:4. Note carefully that in Hebrews 10:4, Paul is speaking about the ‘BLOOD OF BULLS AND GOATS” being unable to “take away sins.” The word, “BLOOD” is right here in the context, before our very eyes. Now what would have made Paul , under the guidance of God the Holy Spirit, to go on in the very next verse to talk about “A BODY HAST THOU PREPARED ME”? There must be a DIRECT connection between the “BLOOD OF BULLS AND GOATS” on the one hand (inferior as it was), and the “BODY WHICH THOU HAST PREPARED ME” on the other hand (superior as it was). What was there about the “BODY” that answered to something that was BETTER than the ‘BLOOD OF BULLS AND GOATS”? It was the fact that the “BODY” of our Lord Jesus Christ contained BLOOD” also, but the “BLOOD” was “FROM GOD.” That “BLOOD” was “HIS OWN.” That “BLOOD” was “PRECIOUS.” That “BLOOD” was “INCORRUPTIBLE.” That “BLOOD” was “PREPARED BY GOD.”
(b) The Context of Hebrews 10:5. This verse is a conversation between God the Son and God the Father at the very point of the Son’s Incarnation. The Lord Jesus Christ reminds God the Father of his disdain for the mere animal sacrifices and the ‘BLOOD OF BULLS AND GOATS” offered by Israel under the Law. Perhaps it refers back to Isaiah 1:11 where the Lord is asking a question of Israel :
‘To what purpose is the multitude of your SACRIFICES unto me? saith the LORD: I am full of the burnt-offerings of rams , and the fat of fed beasts; and I DELIGHT NOT IN THE BLOOD OF BULLOCKS, OR OF HE GOATS.” (Isaiah 1: 11)
(c) The Teaching of Hebrews 10:5. After the Lord Jesus reminds His Father of this disdain, He brings out a very important theological verity. He says: “but A BODY HAST THOU PREPARED ME.” This was a “BODY” destined for SACRIFICE as it states in Hebrews 10:10:
“By the which will we are sanctified by the OFFERING OF THE BODY OF JESUS CHRIST once for all.” (Hebrews 10:10)
This “BODY” contained “BLOOD,” but it was a DIFFERENT BLOOD than that of “BULLS AND GOATS” (verse 4). If it were NOT DIFFERENT BLOOD than that of “BULLS AND OF GOATS,” it would be of NO AVAIL in the redemption of our souls. It would be of NO AVAIL to REDEEM lost sinners! Let’s look at Hebrews 10:3 once more:
‘Wherefore, when He [that is, the Lord Jesus Christ ] cometh into the world [at His Incarnation], He saith, Sacrifice and offering Thou [that is, God the Father] wouldest not, but A BODY HAST THOU PREPARED ME.” (Hebrews 10:5)
I’ The Meaning of “BODY.” The word is the Greek word, soma, which is the regular and customary word for “body.” It is used 135 times in the Greek New Testament. As such, it is what we usually think of as our “body.” According to the World Book Encyclopedia, there are seven major “SYSTEMS” of the body:
(1) the skeletal-muscular system; (2) the digestive system; (3) the urinary system. (4) the respiratory system, (5) THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM, (6) the nervous system, and (7) the reproductive system. (Volume 8, p. 380).
Certainly, the “BODY” which God the Father “PREPARED” for God the Son, was a “BODY” which contained all seven of these major systems. Our Savior had a PERFECT human nature as well as a perfect Divine nature, yet His human nature was ABSOLUTELY AND COMPLETELY PERFECT! According to the World Book,
“The CIRCULATORY SYSTEM carries BLOOD through the body. It includes heart, arteries, veins, and capillaries,” (op. cit., p. 381). ‘This BLOOD has four main parts: (1) plasma, (2) red cells, (3) white cells, and (4) platelets. . . . About FIVE UNITS of BLOOD flow endlessly through the body.” (op. cit., Volume 2, pp. 325-26).
Since God the Father “PREPARED” this “BODY” for God the Son, it included ALL of these seven major systems in PERFECTION and WITHOUT FLAW. The “BODY” of our Savior was a ‘DIVINE BODY” because it was “PREPARED” by God Himself in a SPECIAL WAY . IfChrist ‘s entire “BODY” was a “DIVINE BODY,” certainly the Blood was “DIVINE BLOOD,” again, because it had its SOURCE and was “PREPARED by God Himself!
II’ The Meaning of “PREPARED.” The word for “HAST PREPARED” is katErtisO. This word comes from two Greek words, the preposition kata, and the simple verb, artizO. The verb, katartizO, (“prepare”), is used only 13 times in our Greek New Testament. This verb is in the Greek AORIST TENSE and in the indicative MIDDLE Voice. In the King James Bible, it is translated in the following ways, other than in Hebrews 10:5: “mending their nets” (Mt. 4:21 & Mk. 1:19); “perfected praise” (Mt. 21:16); “every one that is perfect ” (Lk. 6:40);”fitted to destruction” (Rom. 9:22); “perfectly joined together” (1 Cor. 1:10); “be perfect” (2 Cor. 13:11); “restore such an one” (Gal. 6:1); “might perfect that” (1 Th. 3:10); “the worlds were framed” (Heb. 11:3); “make you perfect in every good work” (Heb.13:21); and “make youperfect” (1 Peter 5:10). The main root, artizO, though not used in the New Testament, is used in Classical Greek to mean such things as: “to get ready; to prepare.” This verb, in turn, comes from the Greek adverb, arti, which means “just now, presently, just at present.” With the preposition, kata, it gives a perfective sense to the verb, making the action even more thorough and complete than in the simple form. In general, the verb means: “to adjust thoroughly; to knit together, unite completely; to frame; to prepare; to provide; to qualify fully; to complete (in character); to supply; to make good.” In Classical Greek, it also meant such things as: “to put in order; to set (a dislocated limb); to form (by exercise); to restore (to a right mind); to reconcile; to make (good); to furnish; to equip; [to put] (in battle array); to make ready; to compound; to prepare (dishes, medicines. etc.).” From these varied facets and shades of meaning, we can see the full force of what God the Father and God the Holy Spirit accomplished by means of the Incarnation of the Lord Jesus Christ spoken of in this Hebrews 10:5 verse in the phrase: “a body hast Thou PREPARED Me.”
Taking some of the above meanings for the Greek term, katartizO, (“hast PREPARED”), we can conclude the following: (1) God “PREPARED” Christ ‘s BODY (including His BLOOD) so it was PROTECTED from all sin and imperfections of man. (2) God PREPARED Christ’s BODY (including His BLOOD) so it was PERFECTED and therefore PERFECT in regard to any sin or imperfection of man. (3) God “PREPARED” Christ ‘s BODY (including His BLOOD) so it was FITTED OUT in such a way as to eliminate any sin or imperfection of man. (4) God “PREPARED Christ ‘s BODY (including His BLOOD) so it WAS PERFECTLY JOINED TOGETHER in such a way as to eliminate any sin or imperfection of man. (5) God “PREPARED” Christ ‘s BODY (including His BLOOD) so it was FRAMED in such a way as to eliminate any sin or imperfection of man. (6) God “PREPARED” Christ ‘s BODY (including His BLOOD) so it was PUT IN ORDER in such a way as to eliminate any sin or imperfection of man. (7) God “PREPARED” Christ’s BODY (including His BLOOD) so it was COMPLETE in such a way as to eliminate any sin or imperfection of man. Can there be any question on this so CLEAR teaching?
Note further what Flavel said in Sermon 26,
This preciousness of the blood of Christ riseth from the union it has with that person, who is over all, God blessed for ever. And on that account is stiled the blood of God, Acts 20:28:and so it becomes royal, princely blood: Yea, such for the dignity, and efficacy of it, as never was created, or shall ever run in any other veins but his. The blood of all the creatures in the world, even a sea of human blood bears no more proportion to the precious and excellent blood of Christ , than a dish of common water, to a river of liquid gold. On the account of its invaluable preciousness, it becomes satisfying and reconciling blood to God. So the apostle speaks, Colossians 1:20, “And (having made peace through the blood of his cross) by him to reconcile all things to himself; by him, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven.”
He talks of the nature and quality [Note the title of the sermon] of this blood and says that this blood “never was created, or shall ever run in any other veins but His”. So this blood, as far as Flavel is concerned is not the typical A -, or A +, Type B, O, nor any other type of blood. Or maybe like what Spurgeon said in Sermon 228, “the blood that Jesus shed was Godlike Blood…..the divinity was so allied with the manhood that the blood derived efficacy from it.” So it must have been type “G” blood. I don’t think that Mary had that type of blood and neither does any other human, that’s why Flavel finishes saying, “Even a sea of human blood bears no more proportion to the precious and excellent blood of Christ than a dish of common (we will deal with this word later in Heb. 10:29) water, to a river of liquid gold. Note, both are liquids but they are of different “natures and qualities”. (see Flavels sermon title again) And so is the blood of theLord Jesus , it is a different nature and quality. It is the Divine Blood of God.
The next reference I want to take a look at is by John Owen , he was quoted by Mr. Burden in the Summer 2002 Issue of The Gist on page 6. It was a quote made by Owen about the general human nature of the Lord Jesus Christ, but if we look a little deeper into whatOwen believed specifically about the blood, we can see that he “counted it more than common”.
The Works of John Owen
Edited by William H. Goold
A Treatise of the Redemption and Reconciliation That is in the Blood of Christ
Volume 10, Book 4, Chapter 1
“The Scripture, also, to this purpose is exceeding full and frequent in setting forth the excellency and dignity of His death and sacrifice, calling His blood, by reason of His person, “God’s own blood.” Acts 20:28; exalting it infinitely above all other sacrifices, as having for its principle “the eternal Spirit,” and being itself “without spot,” Hebrews 9:14; transcendently more precious than silver, or gold, or corruptible things, I Peter 1:18.”
Note first of all in the context of Acts 20:28, again he takes no exception to the phrase “Blood of God”, and begins to go deeper into explaining it, (the blood’s nature) he says … “The Blood …having for its (the blood’s) principle (look the word up in the 1828 Webster’s Dictionary; the cause, source, origin of anything: that from which a thing (the blood) proceeds from) the Eternal Spirit and itself (the blood) being without spot.” Note the rest of the quote is clearly in the context of the blood only.
The next quote that Mr. Burden “ignored” is the quote by Henry Brockett , a Wesleyan Holiness Writer;
By Henry E. Brockett , Published in 1936, Forward by D. W. Lambert, M. A. , Principle of Lebanon Bible College
The Ages Digital Library Inspiration, p. 57,
“I purchased Dr. Andrew Murray ’s books, The Power of the Blood of Jesus, and The Blood of the Cross. He shows that the blood of Christ must not be regarded as something that was shed and finished with, as it were, at the Cross. The blood of Christ , as a divine reality, has entered heaven itself, is sprinkled on the eternal throne, and there abides and all the time exercises its mighty power both upward toward God and downward and inward towards the believer.”
Notice the sentiment that Brockett has here is the same that Andrew Murray has (Born in South Africa , Andrew Murray (1828-1917) was sent to study in England at age 10. He founded many Universities and wrote many books) concerning the blood, so we have 2 men holding the same view. Brockett quotes Murray and he says, “that the blood of Christ is a divine reality”. That means by the definition of these words that the blood is in reality . . . . . Divine and it’s in Heaven, (which we will deal with at length later).
Also in that same book of Murray ’s that Brockett quotes from in Chapter 2, Murray says that, “the Eternal Life of the Godhead was carried in that blood”. (You can’t say that about human blood). Then in Chapter 7 calls it again, “divine wonderful power of the blood.”
- Sacred Blood
Let’s move to the 2nd point I want to get to and that is the statement made by Mr. Burden in the Spring Issue 2002, pg. 3, where Mr.Burden said the word “precious (that’s God’s word to describe the blood of His Son)”. Then, in the Summer Issue 2002, pg. 3, Mr.Burden said, and I quote,
“The Bible calls the Blood of Jesus “precious” to go beyond that is unwise and leads to errors”.
Then Mr. Burden in the Summer Issue 2002, pg. 2, says, and I quote,
“Some used the word “sacred” in reference to Jesus ’ Blood. That word also carries the connotation of being divine and is therefore improperly used in defining His human blood”.
I want Mr. Burden to know I agree that using the word “sacred” would mean that the blood is divine and that anybody that ever used the word “sacred”, or any other words that went beyond the word precious would be calling the blood divine, or calling the blood something other than ordinary, common, or human blood.
Let’s see if any “Bible believing theologians” ever used this word to define the blood then we would know what the “historic position” of the church was and “What they counted the blood of the Covenant”.
The first person that we might be familiar with is a man by the name, James Arminius . In the Works of Arminius , Vol. 1, called the blood sacred. Also he said it was in Heaven, (which we’ll deal with later). Albert Barnes , Notes on the Bible, Vol. 16, in Hebrews 10:29, called it sacred. The Works of John Owen (which again Mr. Burden quotes in the Summer Issue 2002, pg. 6, which is a generalized statement about our Lord’s humanity), in his Exposition of Hebrews, Vol. 22, in reference to Hebrews 13:20, calls the blood sacred and says some other things that we will use later in another context.
John Wesley in his commentary on Lev. 17:10, 11 says,
- I will set my face– I will be an enemy to him, and execute vengeance upon him immediately; because such persons probably would do this in private, so that the magistrate could not know or punish it. Write that man undone, for ever undone, against whom God sets His face.
- Is in the blood– Depends upon the blood, is preserved and nourished by it. The blood maketh atonement – Typically, and in respect of the blood of Christ which it represented, by which the atonement is really made. So the reason is double;
- Because this was eating up the ransom of their own lives, which in construction was the destroying of themselves.
- Because it was ingratitude and irreverence towards that sacred blood of Christ which they ought to have in continual veneration.
He says that God will be an enemy to him and will execute vengeance upon such person that would treat the sacrificial blood of the Old Testament which was typical of the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ to count that “sacred blood”, ( Wesley ’s words) with ingratitude and irreverence.
- C.H. Lenski , A. M. in his commentary on Hebrews 10:29, calls the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ holy once, and sacred 3 times in one paragraph. At this time I’m not going to comment on this, I’m going to save what he had to say for my last point where it would make the best application of “What to count the blood.”
In the SELECTED WORKS OF JOHN CALVIN VOL. 1, TRACTS PART 1, by John Calvin, the NECESSITY OF REFORMING THE CHURCH pg.86, he calls the blood sacred on pg. 255, he calls the blood holy. Then in his commentary on Hebrews 9, pg. 186, he calls the blood sacred again and then in chapter 10 he says, “… the blood of Christ … is subject to no corruption,” and that the blood isperpetual.
In the WORD STUDIES IN THE NEW TESTAMENT, by Marvin R. Vincent, D. D., (Baldwin Professor of Sacred Literature in Union Theological Seminary, New York), Volume 4, The epistle to Hebrews, Chapter 10, he uses the word sacred twice and once again I’m going to save his commentary and my commentary on this passage until the last point, but none the less he still used the word sacred.
In the book THE GROUNDS AND REASONS OF CHRISTIAN REGENERATION OR, THE NEW BIRTH Offered to the Consideration of CHRISTIANS AND DEISTS, by William Law, M.A., on page 31, he calls the BLOOD of the LORD JESUS CHRIST holy. William Law was a writer Wesley held in very high esteem. John Fletcher was the man Wesley wanted to take his place if he ever died, and his writings THE WORKS OF REV. JOHN FLETCHER, Volume 4, by Rev. John Fletcher, on p. 139, he calls the Blood sacred.
I’m kind of hurrying through this because it seems like we can find plenty of Bible believing Christians that used the word sacred and holy, etc., to describe the Blood of our Lord for an example, Spurgeon used the word sacred to describe the Blood of the Lord Jesus in sermons 152, 191, 253, 379, 643, 703, 771, and 848. Spurgeon also used terms for the blood like infinite in sermons 853, 892, 1131, 1172, 1223, 1437, and 1481. He used the word pure in sermon 1276, the word matchless in sermon 1419, he used the wordomnipotent in sermon 1437 and 1611, he said the blood is forever in 1453, and he said that the blood is everlasting and immutable in sermon 1428. And this is only searched up to Volume 30.
III. Blood in Heaven
The 3rd point I want to make is in reference to the statement made by Mr. Burden in The Summer Issue 2002 of The Gist, pg. 5, concerning the article, Is Jesus ’ Blood Eternally Preserved in Heaven?…“If a person believes His blood is divine, he has to believe that it is eternally preserved in heaven for nothing divine can cease to exist.”
I want Mr. Burden to know that I whole heartedly agree with him so let’s see if we can find any one who believes that the blood is in heaven. And if they believe that the blood is in heaven, they must believe it is divine. The first person I would like to take a look at is John Owen , we all remember who he is don’t we? He is the one that Mr. Burden quoted in The Gist, the Summer Issue 2002, pg. 6, speaking of a generalizedstatement about the humanity of the Lord Jesus Christ. But note what John Owen has to say specifically about that blood and where it is at today.
The WORKS OF JOHN OWEN VOLUME 1 MEDITATIONS AND DISCOURSES ON THE GLORY OF CHRIST, IN HIS PERSON, OFFICE, AND GRACE: (1.) That very nature itself which he took on him in this world, is exalted into glory. Someunder a pretense of great subtlety and accuracy, do deny that he has either flesh or blood in heaven; …. That he has forsaken that flesh and blood which he was made in the womb of the blessed Virgin, -wherein he lived and died, which he offered unto God in sacrifice, and wherein he rose from the dead, -is a Socinian fiction.
Then he says that believing that the blood is in heaven is a “fundamental article of the Christian faith”. Now I find this interesting first of all he says that “some” that believe that the blood is not in heaven are doing so under a pretense and a great subtlety of the Socinian heresy and that’s what we have here with Mr. Burdens view and also John MacArthur’s view. This point about it being an Arian, Socinian, or Nestorian heresy will be brought into view again a little later, so let’s get back to those who believe the blood of the LordJesus Christ is in Heaven. John Owen said the same thing over and over again, see Vol. 10, Book 1, Ch. 1 under the reference of Hebrews 9:7, 11, 12. Also Vol. 9, Part 4, Discourse 7, under the reference of Hebrews 10:20, Lev. 17:11, and Heb. 10:19. Also hisExpositions of Hebrews Vol. 18, Exercitation 31, “The Nature of The Priesthood of Christ ”. We can look to Early Church writers likeChrysostom ’s Epistle to the Hebrews, Homily 33, Hebrews 12:28, 29, “His blood was born up into Heaven. Blood which has been carried into…the True Holy Place ”.
The next person is William Brown, he lived in Edinburgh in the late 1800s and he was a respected contemporary of Charles H.Spurgeon and William Smith , author of Smith’s Bible Dictionary.
In his book, (which is also on the Master Christian Library CD from Ages Software under Reference), called “The Tabernacle, It’s Priests and Services”, he quotes:
“So Christ, our great high priest, after dying for sinners on the cross, ascended up on high, and, parting the blue veil of the skies, entered the true holy of holies, carrying with Him, not the blood of bulls and goats, but His own”
The next person is Dr. R. A. Torrey, we remember who he is, he was educated in the finest schools in Europe, and in his Topical Bible he said, according to Acts 20:28, “His Blood is called the Blood of God”, and he was one of the Editors of the “Fundamentals of the Faith”. Where Dr. Moorehead says, “Even divinity is ascribed to the blood of Jesus ” (see first part). Note what Dr. R. A. Torrey has to say in his book called, “WHAT THE BIBLE TEACHES, THE TRUTHS OF THE BIBLE MADE PLAIN, SIMPLE AND UNDERSTANDABLE, Book 2 –What the Bible Teaches About Jesus Christ, 7 The Ascension or Exaltation of Jesus Christ, Fourth Proposition: Jesus Christ has ascended into heaven to prepare heaven itself as an abode for us.
Answer: Hebrews 9:21-24,
“Heaven itself must be sprinkled with blood” -Dr. R.A. Torrey
“Heaven itself must be sprinkled with blood to be fitted to be the abode of blood-sprinkled sinners. Heb. 9:24, For Christ is not entered into the holy places made with hands, which are the figures of the true; but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us:
Fifth Proposition: Jesus Christ ascended into heaven to appear before the face of God for us. He went to act as high priest on our behalf to present the blood of atonement and make intercession for us.”
Again Dr. R.A. Torrey says in another section, in the same book, WHAT THE BIBLE TEACHES, THE TRUTHS OF THE BIBLE MADE PLAIN, SIMPLE AND UNDERSTANDABLE, Book 2 –What the Bible Teaches about Jesus Christ ,
- The Resurrection of Jesus Christ,
- The Results of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.“We have not only a Savior who died and so made atonement for our sin, but also a Savior who rose and carried the blood into the holy of holies – God’s own presence – and presents it there”
Now I just love the title of this book, note the words, “The Truths Made Plain, and Simple, and Understandable”. So the blood being in heaven and being divine should be plain, simple, and understandable to anybody that would really do a historical research on the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ and see what Bible believing Christians have taught completely about the blood, not in just basic generalizedstatements about the humanity of the Lord Jesus, but specific, pointed statements about the blood and again, “what to count that blood”.
Now I am not going to comment much more on these quotes from the other Commentators you can read as good as I can and most of you can read better than I can, so just a few more, just to make this point further.
By the Rev. Thomas Charles Edwards, D. D. [1887], Doctor Edwards was Principle of the University College of Wales , Aherystwytk.
“The thought of Christ ’s eternal oneness is apparently suggested to the Apostle by the contrast between Christ and the purified heaven. But it helps his argument. For the blood of Christ , when offered in heaven, so fully and perfectly ratified the new covenant that He remains for evermore in the holiest place and evermore offers Himself to God in one eternally unbroken act.”
Commentators take the view of the literal fulfillment of Lev. 16 that the blood is in heaven |
BY THE REV. S. H. KELLOG , D. D. [1890]
“For this reason did the sin offering become, above all others, the most perfect type of the one offering of Him, the God-man, who reconciled us to God by doing that in reality which was here done in symbol, even entering with atoning blood into the very presence of God, there to appear in our behalf.
- C.H. Lenski A. M. in his commentary on Hebrews 9, pg. 293 tells us that Rudolf Edwald Stier, an eminent German commentator, was born at Fraustadt, March 17, 1800 . And Johann Albrecht Bengel , a German theologian of profound critical judgment, extensive learning, and solid piety. He was born June 24, 1687 , and F. Delitzsch of C. F. Keil & F. Delitzsch, the Old Testament commentators take the view of the literal fulfillment of Lev. 16, that the blood is in heaven. And note that Lenski made the statement not only these commentators hold this view but others also.
Also take a look at Spurgeon in Sermons 118, 191, 256, 348, 531, 824, 992, 1035, 1223, 1354, 1369, 1419, and 1780. This was a search up to Vol. 30 at the time of publication of this article. We will search further later in follow-up articles. See also, Matthew Henry on Lev. 16: pg. 1104, Adam Clarke on Heb. 9: pages 508, 513, 514, Jamieson, Fausett & Brown on Heb. 9: pages 1116, 1148, and 1173. AlsoMarvin Vincent in Heb. 9: pg. 956, 957, where he references Delitzsch also to agree with his position.
The next is Alexander MacLaren (1827-1910) in his Exposition of the Scriptures of Hebrews 9, pg. 199, (the blood is in heaven), then,Joseph Benson one of the most eminent of the early Methodist ministers in England . In 1766 Mr. Wesley appointed him classical master at Kingswood School . In 1769 he was made head-master of the Theological College at Trevecca, he died Feb. 16, 1821 , atLondon . Dr. Clarke calls him “a sound scholar, a powerful and able preacher, and a profound theologian.” Benson said in his Commentary on Hebrews 13, pg. 683, Verses 12-14, “Wherefore Jesus also with his own blood – carried into the heavenly sanctuary, and presented before the throne of God as a sin offering”
Also I want to point out that I’m not just using Calvinists but scholars from every theological perspective possible and the reason I can use so many from such a varied background is because it is so basic of a position that a Bible believer can believe that the Lord Jesus had generally a human nature, but you could also believe that the blood He shed was holy, sacred, infinite, and incorruptible, I Pet. 1:18, 19, (unlike human blood which is corruptible) I Cor. 15:50ff.
And of course, Divine, and that’s why so many commentators can and do use the phrase Blood Divine and this is why John Owen can call this view “a Fundamental article of the Christian faith” and Dr R. A. Torrey can call it a “Fundamental of the faith and The Truths of the Bible Made Plain, Simple, and Understandable.”
Introducing yet another excerpt of Pastor D. A. Waite’s book JOHN MACARTHUR’S HERESY ON CHRIST’S BLOOD concerning the Blood in Heaven.
Pastor D. A. Waite , Th. D. , Ph. D. , Founder, Director, and President of The Bible For Today and a former President of the Dean Burgon Society
- Christ ‘s BLOOD Is Divine, NOT HUMAN Because It Is in HEAVEN (1 Corinthians 15:50).
(1) Introductory Remarks. The sixth reason proving that the Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ is DIVINE, NOT HUMAN, is because it is IN HEAVEN. The logic and Scripture proof that leads me to this conclusion is threefold, in the form of a logical syllogism: (1)Major Premise: Only incorruptible things made or provided by God (source Divine) can be in heaven (1 Corinthians 15:50); (2) Minor Premise: Christ’s Blood is in heaven (Hebrews 12:24, etc.); (3) Conclusion: Therefore, Christ’s Blood is incorruptible and made or provided by God (hence “Divine”). We have already taken up the detailed factors regarding the “INCORRUPTIBILITY” of Christ’s Blood in section “3, d” above, and we won’t have to repeat it again here other than to assert it, and relate it to the present argument.
(2) MAJOR PREMISE: Only Incorruptible Things Made or Provided by God (Source Divine) Can Be in Heaven (1 Corinthians 15:50). Note the wording of 1 Corinthians 15:50:
“Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and BLOOD CANNOT INHERIT THE KINGDOM OF GOD ; neither doth CORRUP
TION INHERIT INCORRUPTION.” (1 Corinthians 15:50).
The next verses clarify what Paul is saying:
(51) “Behold, I show you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but WE SHALL ALL BE CHANGED (52a) In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, . . . (53b) this MORTAL MUST PUT ON IMMORTALITY.” (1 Corinthians 15:51, 52a, 53b)
The teaching here is that HUMAN things, like HUMAN FLESH and HUMAN BLOOD “CANNOT INHERIT THE KINGDOM OF GOD.” This means that NOTHING MERELY HUMAN can go to heaven. Nothing MERELY HUMAN can stand in the presence of a holy, righteous God. There has to be some CHANGES made. If there is “CORRUPTION,” (v. 53), it must be CHANGED to “INCORRUPTION.” If there is MORTAL, it must be CHANGED to IMMORTALITY. We must be “DRESSED UP” for the occasion. We just can’t go to glory dressed in our old clothes of humanity and sin. This is the Divine interpretation of the words in verse 50 “cannot inherit the kingdom of God .” As pointed out clearly above, in section “3, d,” Christ ‘s Blood was “INCORRUPTIBLE.” It HAD to be “Divine” as to its Source, or it would have been FORBIDDEN to enter heaven. This very fact that it went to heaven without any transformation or CHANGING of any kind is proof positive that it had to be from a Divine Source and hence “Divine.”
(3) MINOR Premise: Christ ‘s Blood Is in Heaven (Hebrews 12:24, etc.). The book of Hebrews is very clear about the fact that the Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ was taken to heaven and was there in heaven when Paul wrote the book. Hebrews 12:22-24 lists EIGHT PERSONS OR THINGS THAT ARE IN HEAVEN. The “Blood of sprinkling” was the eighth item in this list. Notice the list:
(1) “The City of the Living God” is in heaven;
(2) “The heavenly Jerusalem ” is in heaven;
(3) “an innumerable company of angels” is in heaven;
(4) “the general assembly and church of the firstborn, which are written in
heaven” is in heaven;
(5) “God the Judge of all” is in heaven;
(6) “The spirits of just men made perfect” are in heaven;
(7) ” Jesus the Mediator of the new covenant” is in heaven; and
From the list of things Paul enumerated here–all of which are IN HEAVEN–there can be no doubt whatsoever that “THE BLOOD OF SPRINKLING” (which is the BLOOD OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST) is IN HEAVEN AS WELL!!
(4) Conclusion: Christ ‘s Blood Is Incorruptible. This is the logical conclusion from the major premise and the minor premise listed above. In logic, this is called a “syllogism.” Let me repeat it once more: MAJOR PREMISE: Only incorruptible things made or provided by God (source “Divine”) can be in heaven (1 Corinthians 15:50). MINOR PREMISE: Christ ‘s Blood is in Heaven (Hebrews 12:24, etc.). CONCLUSION: “Therefore, Christ ‘s Blood is incorruptible and made or provided by God (hence “Divine”).
- What Do You Count the Blood? Hebrews 10:29
Now to my last point which is the real point of this whole matter. Let’s take a look at that found in Hebrews 10:29 generally but is referred to from other passages also. As we will see the first commentator I want to look at is once again, John Owen , and again he was quoted by Mr. Burden in the Summer Issue 2002 of The Gist, pg. 6, where once again his statement about the general human nature is referred to as having flesh and blood, but as we take again a closer look specifically at what John Owen “counts that blood as”.
Let’s recap, first of all Owen says the Lord Jesus has flesh and blood, then says he believes that the blood is the blood of God the Father. See ‘The Works of John Owen , Vol. 12, chap. 10, No. 3’ in dealing with Acts 20:28, under the Question, “What dost thou answer to this?” The answer is, and I quote, “For the great conjunction that is between Father and Son, although in essence they are altogether diverse, is the reason why the blood of Christ is called the blood of God the Father himself.”
The third point John Owen made about the blood was it clearly being in heaven….
The WORKS OF JOHN OWEN VOLUME 1 MEDITATIONS AND DISCOURSES ON THE GLORY OF CHRIST, IN HIS PERSON, OFFICE, AND GRACE : (1.) That very nature itself which he took on him in this world, is exalted into glory.Some under a pretense of great subtlety and accuracy, do deny that he has either flesh or blood in heaven; …. That he has forsaken that flesh and blood which he was made in the womb of the blessed Virgin, -wherein he lived and died, which he offered unto God in sacrifice, and wherein he rose from the dead, -is a Socinian fiction. [And this is a Fundamental article of the Christian faith.]
The forth point I want us to take a look at concerning John Owen is would he “count the blood sacred?” Well, he did “count it sacred” and he had some other things to say about those that would not “count it sacred”, but would only count it common. SeeOwens ’ Exposition of Hebrews 8:1-10:39, Vol. 22, under Heb. 13:20. The Greek word for common is the opposite “to anything that is dedicated and consecrated unto God and made sacred”….
“They did no longer esteem it as the blood wherewith the new covenant was sealed, confirmed, established; but as the blood of an ordinary man shed for his crimes, which is common and unholy, not sacred”…. [he further says] “…And there are many degrees of this sin, some doctrinal, some practical; which though they arise not unto the degree here intended, yet are they perilous unto the souls of men…” [he says further] “…the Socinians will never be able to free themselves from making this blood in some sense a common thing” [Then referring to I Peter 1:19, Obs. VI.] “Everything that takes off from a high and glorious esteem of the blood ofChrist as “the blood of the covenant,” is a dangerous entrance into apostasy.”
As Owen tells about the last aggravation of this low esteem of this blood is sin and has to do with the nature of the blood, it’s holy!! Not common (shared by all) as Strong’s defines it… “The last aggravation of this sin with respect unto the blood of Christ , is the natural use, and efficacy of it; it is that “wherewith he was sanctified.””
Now let’s see if I got this straight, Owen …
- 1. Says the Lord Jesus has blood
- 2. It is the blood of God the Father
- 3. It’s in heaven
- -It can be called holy and sacred
- -It’s a sin and a Socinian heresy to count it the blood of an ordinary man, see also Owen Vol 10, Book 4, Chap. 5, which says that “this sin…to esteem the blood of the covenant….to be as the blood of a man is to do despite to the Spirit of grace.”
Let’s see what others said about this passage.
By Marvin R. Vincent , D. D. , Baldwin Professor of Sacred Literature in Union Theological Seminary, New York .
Vol. 4 –The Epistle to the Hebrews, Chapter 10
“The fundamental idea of koino<v is shared by all, public. Out of this grows the idea of not sacred…that Christ ’s blood was counted common, having no more sacred character or specific worth than the blood of any ordinary person. [This is Mr. Burden ’s position, also John MacArthur .]
Hebrews 10:1-39
an unholy thing –literally, “common,” as opposed to “sanctified.” No better than the blood of a common man.
By Rev. W. B. Godbey , A. M. , Argument 12 Heb. 10:28
“and that instead of His blood possessing saving virtue, it was nothing but common blood, like that which dropped down from the wounds of the two thieves on either side of Him, …and that His blood was simply crimson blood like that of any other man….nothing but “common” human blood, utterly destitute of all saving efficacy, we are certainly at the end of our row, hopelessly doomed to damnation”
It says the meaning about the Lord Jesus Christ’s blood is that it is “more than common, i. e. ordinary human blood”
Hebrews 10:29
“Men who have seemed before to have the blood of Christ in high esteem may come to account it an unholy thing, no better than the blood of a malefactor, though it was the world’s ransom, and every drop of it of infinite value.”
Note that he says every drop of that blood has an infinite value.
“To count the blood of Christ an unholy thing is to count it no better than the blood of another man? -John Bunyan |
- Yet this sanctifying blood the apostatecounts unholy or common. To be common blood may be understood –differs not from the blood of other men. Such as is the blood of a malefactor, guilty and vicious person, and that is impure and unholy blood. So that the apostate, though he had received some kind and measure of sanctification from it, yet ascribed no more virtue and excellency to it than to common blood; denied the sanctifying power of it, nay, did account it unholy.
By John Bunyan
Chapter 13, Objections as to past sins answered.
“To count the blood of Christ an unholy thing is to count it no better than the blood of another man”
Also see,
Donald Guthrie , B. D. , M. Th. , Ph. D. , Formerly Vice-Principal and Lecturer in New Testament, London Bible College
In his commentary on Hebrews 10:29,
“It is an extreme case of apostasy which is being envisaged. (ii) In the second place the offender has profaned the blood of the covenant. The Greek expression translated profaned (koinon h?g?samenos) could be rendered ‘common’ in the sense of treating Christ ’s blood as no different from any other man’s blood.”
Pastor D. A. Waite , Th. D. , Ph. D. , Founder, Director, and President of The Bible For Today and a former President of the DeanBurgon Society
To those false teachers like John MacArthur and those who follow in his train and justify this false doctrine there will be “certain fearful looking for of judgement which shall devour the adversaries.” (Hebrews 10:29) The growing group of so called “theologians” (even those coming out and graduating from my own alma mater, (THE DALLAS THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY) who despise the “REDEMPTIVE BLOOD” of Christ, stating only that it is His “DEATH” that was alone necessary to forgive sin, in my considered opinion, fit right into the frightening and terrifying pronouncement in Hebrews 10:29:
“Of how much sorer PUNISHMENT suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy, who hath trodden under foot the Son of God, and hath counted the BLOOD OF THE COVENANT WHEREWITH HE WAS SANCTIFIED AN UNHOLY THING, AND HATH DONE DESPITE UNTO THE SPIRIT OF GRACE?”
- The Fearful WARNING Implied in Hebrews 10:29 Applied to JohnMacArthur’s HERESY on the Blood of Christ Does John MacArthur fit into Hebrews 1O:29? Has he, in your mind, (having read this entire booklet up to this point), “counted the BLOOD OF THE COVENANT WHEREWITH HE WAS SANCTIFIED AN UNHOLY THING”? I firmly believe that he HAS! I have been preaching the following interpretation for many years now. I was glad to see how closely Kenneth S. Wuest agrees with me on this verse. Though I differ with him on his preference for the Westcott and Hort Greek text, I do agree with his opinion on Hebrews 10:29. The quotation is from his book (written long before MacArthur ‘s HERESY on this theme) entitled, HEBREWS IN THE GREEK NEW TESTAMENT FOR THE ENGLISH READER, pages 185-186:
“Treading under foot the Son of God, is a SIN against God the Father Who gave the Son to become the Sin-offering ( John 3 :16). COUNTING THE BLOOD of the New Testament AN UNHOLY THING, is a SIN against God the Son Who shed His blood. The word ‘counted’ in the Greek text refers to a CONSCIOUS JUDGMENT RESTING ON DELIBERATE WEIGHING OF THE FACTS. Here it implies a DELIBERATE, CONTEMPTUOUS REJECTION of the Messianic sacrifice of the Son of God. The word,‘UNHOLY’ is the translation of KOINOS, the fundamental idea of which is ‘SHARED BY ALL, PUBLIC.’ From this comes the idea of ‘NOT SACRED’ that is, ‘NOT SET APART FOR GOD’S USE.’ The idea here is that THE APOSTATE REGARDED MESSIAH’S BLOOD AS COMMON, HAVING NO MORE SACRED CHARACTER OR SPECIFIC WORTH THAN THE BLOOD OF ANY ORDINARY PERSON.”
This is EXACTLY the position taken by HERETIC John MacArthur and his disciples! He has said repeatedly in answer to direct questions as to the nature of Christ ‘s Blood, that His Blood is no different “than the blood of any ordinary person.” He has said repeatedly, in answer to direct questions on the subject, that Christ ‘s Blood is “only HUMAN BLOOD.” He says, in effect, that Christ ‘s Blood is merely “AN UNHOLY THING” or “COMMON THING,” exactly as Wuest has defined “koinos.” I said this in California as I was speaking on John MacArthur ‘s HERESY on the Blood of Christ. It was at a church less than 20 miles from MacArthur ‘s headquarters. It was at a meeting where MacArthur ‘s son and other MacArthur fanatics attended and sought to disrupt the meeting. Hebrews 10:29 promises “MUCH SORER PUNISHMENT” for people just like JOHN MACARTHUR who have treated the “BLOOD OF THE COVENANT” as an “UNHOLY THING”! If he is genuinely saved, I wouldn’t want to be in John MacArthur ‘s place at the Judgement Seat of Christ! Would you?
To close this thought out let’s look at John Gill, another commentator Mr. Burden quoted in The Gist, Summer Issue 2002, pg 6. JohnGill in sermon 39 also says, “To count the blood as no better than the blood of a mere creature is a Socinian heresy”, in his Commentary on Hebrews 10:29, he clarifies that by saying, “counting the blood unholy or common is putting it on the level with the blood at the most of another man”. But in Hebrews 10:4 of his Commentary he says to clarify this in no uncertain terms that this blood “is not the same blood, nor the same kind of blood as the person that has sinned”. And as far as I know the Bible says, “that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God”.
What do you count the blood?
As I close this article out for now, I have decided that this subject needs to be exhausted and I will continue to research the Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ and get this information out to all that realize that this is a very significant issue, not one to take lightly.
This is what Dale Burden counts the blood according to the statement he made in the Summer Issue 2002, pg. 3, of The Gist,
“The Bible calls the blood of Jesus “precious.” To go beyond that is unwise and leads to other dangerous errors.”
The context of that same verse also calls the blood “incorruptible”, he then claims to go beyond that, may lead to errors?? It is just the opposite. We are never warned in the Bible not to go beyond calling the blood precious, or to count the blood of Jesus more than what it is, but we are clearly warned not to count the blood less than what it is, under penalty of Divine judgment, see Hebrews 10:27-29. That is the whole point of this issue.
Dale Burden in his Summer Issue 2002 of The Gist, page 1, told of his taking the Lord’s Supper. He said,
“I stared into the cup, thanked Him for shedding that precious blood for me and thought how sad He must be over the current controversy among us over His blood.”
I just wonder if the cup that Dale Burden was staring into had fermented wine –which would mean it had corruption, or was it pure grape juice which would symbolize the pure, holy, precious, divine, sacred, and incorruptible Blood of God which the Lord Jesus shed. Now there are several other statements that Dale Burden made which I take issue with but this article is long enough but I am going to systematically deal with every one of them over the next months and years if necessary.
Dale Burden made this statement in the Spring Issue 2002, pg. 1, he said, “JESUS’ BLOOD—HUMAN OR DIVINE? The answer to this question is vital to our salvation.”
I agree with him wholeheartedly and even to the loss of that salvation also, which Hebrews Chapter 10 is clearly trying to get our attention on. These people at one time had counted the blood holy, uncommon, not ‘shared by all’, “not public”, but had now changed their minds and were found under the judgment of God, see verses 27, 28, and 29.
Now, just to answer a few emails received in response to my previous article called, “In Defense of the Divine”.
Responses and questions—
- “Is the issue concerning the blood of Jesus worth the contention…?”
Yes, it is. Although I would not call it ‘contention’ within the faith, as much as I would “contending” for the faith.
Jude 3, Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.
- “It is not an issue of the doctrine of Salvation.”
Dale Burden believes it is and so do I, and more importantly, so does the writer of Hebrews.
- “I have read both Bro. Burden’s and your article carefully and have come to the conclusion that one of the articles has been written on the basis of brotherly love”
Proverbs 27:5, Open rebuke is better than secret love.
- “What is there to gain to argue over this issue…..?”
The purpose is to prevent people from being under the judgment of God.
- My purpose is to reach the lost….My prayer for you is that reaching the lost will again become your #1 priority soon…”
My Church has never been at a higher average in all 4 services. My prayer meeting on Saturday night has reached a high of 120+, and averages in the 90’s or better. We average 50+ out on Visitation every week, and just last week, 3/10-3/15/03, we had 80 out on Visitation. Our giving was higher in 2002 than any other year in the history of this Church. This issue is making my Church betterbecause of the stand we are taking.
This is all happening in a town of 17,000, so says the City office. If any one would like to find out more about our ministry, please give me a call, 661-758-5906. I would love to tell you more.
- “Some people are confusing the issue of the saving power of the blood of Christ….Leave all curious inquiry about the blood alone”
I would leave it alone if the Bible did not have such a penalty on what to count the Blood, read these words:
Hebrews 10:26-29
For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins, 27But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries. 28He that despised Moses’ law died without mercy under two or three witnesses: 29Of how much sorer punishment, suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy, who hath trodden under foot the Son of God, and hath counted the blood of the covenant, wherewith he was sanctified, an unholy thing, and hath done despite unto the Spirit of grace?
- “If Adam did not have a human father then he must have had divine blood also”
First of all, Adam was the first human that God created, not ‘THE ONLY BEGOTTEN’ Son of God, who had “a prepared body” for the ONLY sacrifice that would redeem all of mankind. There was no divine part in Adam at all and he was not a person of the Trinity. He wasn’t meant to be the Messiah, or Savior. For more on this, refer back to the article under the thought of “a prepared body”.