The Blood of Christ

LDS Contradictions

By Mormonism

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Mormon mass-media advertisements and Temple visitors centers prominently display images of Christ. Members of the Mormon church profess their deep faith in “the Savior.” And the Mormon Church even emphasizes the words “JESUS CHRIST” in its organizational logo. Strangely, however, certain Mormon teachings seem to minimize the importance of Christ’s involvement in the salvation of mankind. This issue of THE TRUTH examines Mormon teachings regarding the alleged insufficiency of Christ’s sacrifice as atonement for our sins.


….Biblical Christianity is founded upon the core belief that Christ’s sacrifice on the cross atoned for all the sins of man, and was accomplished solely to provide a means of salvation to mankind, through faith in Christ. This “salvation by grace” is the basis for all of the teachings recorded within the New Testament. However, Mormonism has depicted the shed blood of Christ as inadequate to atone for all of the sins of man. It contends that Christ’s sacrifice could only have provided full atonement for the sins of Adam, and that Christ’s blood provides only “conditional” atonement for all other sins (which are termed “actual” sin by Mormonism). To remedy this alleged shortcoming, the group teaches that remission of an individual’s “actual” sins can come only as a result of human effort (ie. “works”).

<LDS> “It is not fully comprehended why it was necessary that Jesus Christ should leave the heavens, …and come upon the earth to offer himself up a sacrifice; …why this should be, why it was necessary that his blood should be shed is an apparent mystery. …What sins of the world did he take away? We are told that it is the sin which Adam committed.” LDS “Prophet” John Taylor, (Journal of Discourses, Vol. 10, pp. 114 -115, 1863.)

<LDS> “The sin which our first parents committed in the Garden of Eden is called original sin; and the sins committed individually by the inhabitants of the earth, are called actual sin. …The apostles sent forth to preach the Gospel by our Savior himself, taught the people that through the shedding of Christ’s blood remission of sin might come to all and that mankind might be redeemed from sin, original and actual. But we find this distinction [ie. “contradiction”] …that the blood of Christ redeems mankind from the effects of the fall…but that while people had nothing whatever to do with the sin which Adam committed and therefore have nothing whatever to do with the work of atonement for that sin, yet for their own sins there is some action required on their part that they may obtain redemption therefrom, inasmuch as the blood of Christ was shed for original sin unconditionally, but for the remission of actual sin conditionally.” LDS “President” Charles W. Penrose, Journal of Discourses, Vol. 21, pp. 81-82, 1880.

<LDS> “But some one may ask, ‘Is there no efficacy, for actual sin, in the atonement wrought out by Jesus Christ? Is there no method by which people can obtain a forgiveness of their individual sins?’ Yes, …and that is the plan of the true Gospel [allegedly Mormonism], but it does not consist in mere belief in the righteousness of another; mere belief in the righteousness [of] somebody else will not make us any better ourselves.” LDS “President” Charles W. Penrose, Journal of Discourses, Vol. 21, pp. 84 – 85, 1880.

Christ’s sacrifice is depicted as having only limited importance to one’s salvation since Christ’s blood provides only “conditional” atonement for “actual” sins, according to Mormon doctrine.


….Mormonism teaches a plethora of Old Testament style “works” as requirements for salvation, which it then illogically claims comes by grace!
<LDS> “For we labor diligently to write, to persuade our children, and also our brethren, to believe in Christ, and to be reconciled to God; for we know that it is by grace that we are saved, after all we can do.”
Book of Mormon, 2 Nephi 25:23.

<LDS> “The Son of God, the Saviour of the world, in the way that it has been taught to us, is made to have a great share in it [salvation] and a great deal to do with it. Some suppose that he has done so much, and has made such peculiar kinds of provisions for our wants and necessities, that there is but little left for us to do, …[Some suppose] that the great plan and work that bring salvation are things that belong [exclusively] to the mission of Jesus Christ. If this is correct, it is what we ought to believe; if it is not, it is that which we should expose; and we should labour to undeceive the people…. If there is a work left for us to do, it will be accomplished as the result of our exertions.” LDS “Apostle” Amasa M. Lyman, Journal of Discourses, Vol. 7, p. 297, 1859.

<LDS> “I want you to see this, and to comprehend that the whole matter of your salvation is your own business and work. What else has Jesus done? …You examine principle in the Gospel as it is taught to you, and what requirement of that Gospel has been obeyed for you [by Christ]? None.” LDS “Apostle” Amasa M. Lyman, Journal of Discourses, Vol. 7, p. 301, 1859.

<LDS> “What is it that frees us from sin? …Truth exists all around us to a vast infinity, yet we pass on in our darkness from year to year, and add folly to our transgressions, and still continue to hope that yet, through Jesus, we shall be redeemed; but it will be when, by our own actions, we shall be released from the thraldrom of sin.” LDS “Apostle” Amasa M. Lyman, Journal of Discourses, Vol. 7, p. 299, 1859.

Mormonism even seems to ignore Joseph Smith’s allegedly “inspired” writings in embracing such a position (see below).


<LDS> “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves; but it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast.” LDS “Prophet” Joseph Smith’s “translation” of Ephesians 2:8-9. Note: Joseph Smith’s “Inspired Translation” of the Bible clearly states that grace comes through “faith,” and is a “gift,” not something which can be earned through works.


<LDS> “Has Jesus done anything that will bring salvation to you and me? The chief of what he has done is that he has revealed the plan of the Gospel — the scheme of human redemption, and manifested himself among his brethren; and we may say he has done a great deal more, for he has shed his blood for it. So have others shed their blood. But whose blood has cleansed you and me? It is said that the blood of Jesus cleanses from all sins. Then why is it that we remain sinners? It is simply because the blood of Jesus has not cleansed us from sin–because it has not reached us. What is the reason? It is because we have not been found in that perfect path of obedience that ensures us a freedom from sin [ie. “works”].” LDS “Apostle” Amasa M. Lyman, Journal of Discourses, Vol. 7, p. 298, 1859.

<LDS> “There was nothing about Jesus but the Priesthood that he held and the Gospel that he proclaimed that was so very singular. But he died for the world. Yes; and what man that ever died for the truth that he died for, did not die for the world? Prophets have died in our day. Men have testified to the truth, and for that truth have died; but has their blood redeemed us from the sin and transgression we were previously guilty of? Have we found redemption through them? As far as we have obtained it, it has been by walking in the truth. …We may talk of men being redeemed by the efficacy of his [Christ’s] blood; but the truth is that that blood has no efficacy to wash away our sins. That must depend upon our own action.” LDS “Apostle” Amasa M. Lyman, Journal of Discourses, Vol. 7, p. 299, 1859.

Mormonism has further demonstrated its lack of confidence in Christ’s sacrifice, by teaching that men can commit sins which His blood can never remit, regardless of works. According to Mormonism, such sins can only by “remitted” through human sacrifice (known as “blood atonement” within Mormonism).

<LDS> “It is true that the blood of the Son of God was shed for sins through the fall and those committed by men, yet men can commit sins which it [the blood of Christ] can never remit.” LDS “Prophet” Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses, Vol. 4, p. 54, 1856.

In support of such doctrine, Mormonism has even depicted Christ as having taught the necessity for human sacrifice, allegedly out of “love” for one’s neighbor.

< LDS > “…[S]uppose that [a member of the congregation]… has committed a sin that he knows will deprive him of the exaltation which he desires, and that he cannot attain to it without the shedding of his blood, and also knows that by having his blood shed he will atone for that sin, and be saved and exalted with the Gods, is there a man or woman in this house but what would say, ‘Shed my blood that I may be saved and exalted with the Gods?’ All mankind love themselves, and…would be glad to have his blood shed. That would be loving themselves…. Will you love your brothers or sisters likewise, when they have committed a sin that cannot be atoned for without the shedding (sic) of their blood? Will you love that man or woman well enough to shed their blood? That is what Jesus Christ meant [see Matthew 19:19].” LDS “Prophet” Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses, Vol. 4, pp. 219 – 220, 1857.

< LDS > “This is loving our neighbour as ourselves; if he needs help, help him; and if he wants salvation and it is necessary to spill his blood on the earth in order that he may be saved, spill it.” LDS “Prophet” Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses, Vol. 4, p. 220, 1857.

THE TRUTH: “But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.” 1 John 1:7